About the Journal



Journal of Science Education and Management Business

ISSN                :  2828-3031
DOI :  10.62357/joseamb.v2i2
Publish On :  January, May, September
Journal :  National
Publisher :  Riset Sinergi Indonesia
Scope  : Economics, Business, Management and Education



JOSEAMB Publishes articles based on the scope of economics, business, management and education. This journal facilitates the publication of scientific works in the fields of economics, business, management and education. This journal was founded by Riset Sinergi Indonesia

Journal of Science Education and Management Business

Focus and Scope
Journal of Science Education and Management Business, an electronic international journal, provides a forum for publishing the original research articles, review articles from contributors, and the novel technology news related to management, accounting and economic. and education

This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including:

-Financial Management,
-Marketing Management,
-Human Resource Management,
-Organizational Behavior,
-Corporate Governance,
Strategic Management,
-Operations Management,
-Public Policy,
-Management Accounting,
-Management Education,
-Management of Sharia,
-Tourism Management,
-Green Management,
-Business Economics and education


- Education


Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024): Journal Of Science Education And Management Business (JOSEMB)
View All Issues


JOSEAMB publishes articles based on the scope of economics, business, management and education. This journal facilitates the publication of scientific works in the fields of economics, business, management and education. This journal was founded by Riset Sinergi Indonesia

Scope : Economics, Business, Management and Education.

ISSN : 2828-3031
DOI : 10.62357/joseamb.v2i2
Publish On : January May, September
Journal : National
Publisher   Riset Sinergi Indonesia